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our weekend

Our weekend was relaxing. It started out with a late night picnic under the stars with a yummy Wendy's hamburger. Half way through our 'romantic' picnic the sprinklers came on in the park... not once, but twice. The first time we ran fast and didn't get very wet. the second time, we weren't sitting at our blanket (we decided to play some tennis) so I braved up and ran through the sprinklers to save all of our stuff from getting wet, that resulted in me getting soaked. But we continued our tennis game and laughed at the silliness of our midnight soak. 

We attempted to go fishing but the storm beat us, so we rescheduled for the next evening. However, I was able to get some cool pictures of the storm rolling in. The next day we did go back to the river. I read and Bear fished.  It reminded me of spending those hot summer days  at our favorite spot on the river in New Jersey. Those days always seemed perfect. 

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