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the thoughts for the night

it's getting late and I should be cuddling up with the Mr. but instead, a burst of energy hit me while I was lying in bed and my mind wouldn't relax. although I am not thinking about anything in particular nor anything important I just can't settle down. So instead of being a nuisance with my tossing and turning, I decided to get up, make a cup of tea, and write some emails. Yeah for getting a head start to the week! But I got distracted from my emails and decided that writing sounded better. 

How was your weekend? Our weekend turned out fantastic. All of my family has been in town and we took full advantage of being around them. Nightly gatherings, day trips, and wonderful lunches were on our agenda the past couple days. I will write more about their visit later. 

I had a wonderful photography shoot this evening. Every single time I go on a shoot I feel so blessed that I get to do what I love. I LOVE taking people's pictures. It makes my heart so happy! 

While I was thinking about my photography and how delighted it makes me feel inside, I started thinking about other things that make me happy. So I created list and I thought I would share it with you all. Have you seen rockstar diaries 'Happy Lists'. Reading them makes you happy and grateful for all the small things in life that make you smile. 

Here's my Happy List

1. The memories that Bear and I made the past two weeks with my Grandparents.
2. Feeling the warm sun on my skin
3. Pumpkin spice lates 
4. The smell of my pumpkin spice candle
5. When Bear apologized for loosing my to-go box yesterday (silly husband)
6. Thinking about decorating a new house 
7. A rainy evening cuddling with Bear & lots of blankets 
8. Waking up in the middle of the night and feeling my puppy by my feet 
9. Finding new recipes
10. and of course, taking pictures

and ten things that I want to start doing. That will, in return make me a happier person! 

1. Send more letters and post cards
2. Kiss my husband more
3. Re-initiating our weekly date nights
4. Organize our bedroom
5. Find new ways to market my photography business
6. Start doing more yoga 
7. Make new friends here in Utah 
8. Paint my fingernails
9. Bake these yummy looking treats
10. Start taking Shento on more walks. We need our us time! 


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