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Ryan Came

To the beach (or the Shore as we Jerseyans like to say) we went. 
Snow + ocean was mind boggling, especially for the floridians in the group!!   

Bear looking at something out in the deep blue sea.
 Ryan looking extremely entertained.!!

Ryan found snow that was covered with sand and thought it was AMAZING! 

It was pretty neat seeing all the snow on the beach. 
We walked along the shoreline until we got hungry.
 We ate at this yummy burrito place. 
We walked around the cute town of Long Branch. 

And then we got... 
DESSERT and a warm beverage.. 

This is my favorite place in New Jersey, seriously! 
It is called cake, bake, and roll. They have yummy drinks and fabulously amazing desserts, plus the decor is rad!  
 Ryan is such a sexy model!

The weekend was a lot of fun. 
Thank you to Ryan for traveling to NJ to visit. 
We love having you! 
More bullet points to the weekend are:
Homemade Pizza and a Bad movie. 
Listening to Ryan and Bear laugh downstairs until the wee hours of the morning.
Fireplace talks 
Garlic Bread and Chicken Wings 
Brainstorming Session 
Breakfast Bagels

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