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October Festival




Every year they hold a cat and dog adoption October fair/festival near the town we live in. This year I was involved and had a photography booth set up. The hubby was such a trooper and went with me. We had a lot of fun together. The festival was at this beautiful 1400 acre farm/greenhouse. All of the booths were in the main green house surrounded by flowers and wonderful decorations. Shento also came with us. However, remember we were in a greenhouse and the roof makes a little noise when the wind blows. The second the roof started making noise(which was about 3 minutes after we got there)  Shento ran under a bench, curled up into a little ball and started shaking uncontrollably. He was embarrassing! It looked more like we abuse him then anything else, so the hubby kindly brought him back to the car. We did this three or four times throughout the day with wishful thinking that Shento might get better. We were wrong.

After the show we were able to walk around outside. There was a pond garden and pumpkin yard and lots and lots of plants. It was a beautiful day and the hubby and I really enjoyed being a part of the festival, as well as being able to explore a place we had never been.

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