
New Hope and the Jersey Shore

While my parents were in town we headed to New Hope, Pennsylvania. One of our favorite places to go spend a day. The town is filled with small antique shops, streets lined with cherry blossoms, and the Delaware River runs right in the middle. Sounds like the perfect little town.

We shopped, ate lunch on a cute garden porch, and wondered about town. It was a perfect day. 


They also experienced the Jersey Shore.


My, how we love the shore in the winter. Especially when it is cold and windy. 
That is the only time that no one is on the beach, making it a more relaxing atmosphere. 
However, when I brought my parents it was suppose to be warm. Notice we are all in shorts or skirts. 
This is because the weather was 80' and sunny at home. Not at the beach. My poor Dad looks like he might freeze to death. We quickly walked along the shore, let Shento play in the water, and found a warm restaurant. Well, finding the restaurant was not all that quick. Although the weather did not work out the way we had hoped, we had a good time anyways. 

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