
It's Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas day here in Utah. We spent the morning at my parents house going through our stockings, opening up all of our Christmas presents, and enjoying our traditional Christmas morning egg casserole breakfast (sorry for the lack of pictures. We took video instead).

Later that day we headed back up the street to the Brooks to celebrate and enjoy the rest of the day with them. We opened very creative stockings, ate delicious food, and were able to be surrounded by wonderful family.


The Lights

It's Christmas Eve!  Can you believe it?  In some ways it feels like time has flown by, but on the other hand it feels like the time has been slow, relaxing and enjoyable. Every year I always feel like the season has gone by too fast and we never did all the Christmasy activities that we wanted to do. However, this year I feel different. I am content. I love that Christmas is tomorrow. All of my packages are wrapped and under the tree, and right this very minute I am sitting here enjoying the sounds of peaceful holiday music, the warm fire, and the beautiful Christmas tree.

Last night we all (Bear, his parents, and myself) all went down to Temple Square to see the lights. It is peaceful and one of my all time favorite things to do during the Christmas season. After the lights we headed to the Gateway for some yummy dinner. While we were out we finished up the last little bit of Christmas shopping. We are officially ready for Christmas.



Since arriving in Utah, the snow has not stopped falling, and I am loving it. 

We had a party with family and friends here on Sunday. It was great to see everyone. 

We celebrated the Brooks wedding anniversary with some yummy food and homemade ice-cream, thank you to my father-in-law. Below you will find the "in aw" look on all three of their faces as they play with the new toy, an I-Pad.

The hubby and I have really enjoyed being out here in winter wonderland. I forgot how much I love the snow, mountains, and this time of the year in Utah. 
Yesterday, the hubby shredded up the mountain with a little bit of snowboarding while I  finished the last of my Christmas shopping. 


it's Christmas time!!!

We have made it. It is officially Christmas break and we are headed over to the beautiful state of Utah. I am sitting on the airplane right now hoping that time would speed up. My legs are really starting to cramp and the crying baby in front of me is starting to give me a slight headache. Oh, plus I am super excited. I can’t wait to sit in a cozy house surrounded by family. As for right now, I will enjoy my coke and catch up on some private practice.

We are headed here...

Park City, Utah.
And we might just be jumping up and down from excitement!


Right Now!

It is snowing!! 

Homemade Christmas Gifts

Last night at 11 p.m I sat down to start making a Christmas gift. Bear and I bounced my idea off each other and we came up with an even better idea. We got so into it that we enjoyed listening to Christmas music, drinking hot beverages, and making our gifts into the wee hours of the morning. We are at it again tonight, but we get an added treat, watching the snow fall for the first time this season. 

P.S once the gifts are given, I will share. 

Crazy Life

The blog has been the least thing on my mind lately, and I apologize to anyone who actually reads this. Our lives turned into a little bit of a whirlwind this past month. It started out with a blown tire, then the car battery. Followed by me getting rear-ended. Luckily my car and myself were okay. Minus a little dent and multiple scratches on the bumper. On the other hand, the seventeen-year-old girl’s car was not okay. We called the cops. The cop was a jerk; my registration was 3 days late (in the mail might I add). The cop towed my car because of my non-registered vehicle. Failed to mention where I could find my car on a later date. Fortunately, the Italian east coast tow truck mechanic (who towed my car) was nice enough to drive me to his shop so that I did not have to stand outside in the poring rain. He even offered me coffee, gave me the name and number of whom I can contact about my vehicle, and called a taxi so that I could get home.  This story could go on and on… However, I will end it with this..  I had a slight break down (a little dramatic) in the taxi car on the way home, Bear and I ran all over town the following day in our neighbor’s car to try to get everything taken care of, and I now have to I appear in court after the holidays. Whew! 

We have also been running here and there trying to follow through with all of our commitments. Bear has been busy finishing up the semester, which means late nights for him. I was (thankfully it is over) trying to finish putting together presentations for my middle school kids, which meant gluing and cutting lots of photo mate board and making cute decorations. In all reality, it just meant that our house was covered in school and craft supplies. Bear reads and I edit photos. I had one bad photography shoot, caused a couple of tears but I am happy to report that as of today I feel like things are on the up and up. Not that all of these bumps were bad. Yes, some of them made me shed a few tears but through all of this, it was wonderful to see that most people are so willing to help in a time of need (minus the cop). 

I had a redo photography shoot this morning, that I am extremely proud of. I was able to spend the rest of the day wondering from shop to shop checking things of my Christmas shopping list, our bags are half way packed for our Utah trip, our Christmas cards should be arriving tomorrow, and I am finally getting sometime to update our blog.  Yahoo…


Multiple Christmas Trees


As I was growing up there was always this house in our neighborhood that would have multiple Christmas trees, one in every room of their house to be exact. As my Mom and I would drive by, I would always ask her if she could slow down so that I could get a better look at all the different trees. At one point I even wanted my Mom to go knock on the door to see if they would let us in their house so that I could take a better look at all the different christmas trees. Looking at the trees was like looking into a fairy-tale. My imagination would set wild with each theme of the trees (yes, each tree had a different theme).  I was ten years old and I remember wishing and hoping that one day I would have a Christmas tree in every room of my house.

As I have become older, I have realized that this goal of multiple Christmas trees is a little bit excessive. However, I still love the idea and I think that our house will be graced with two Christmas trees one day.